Gay definition of swag

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Yet that fact stops few from reaching for acronymic explanations for a variety of far older words, especially in instances where the true etymologies aren't crystal clear. Origins: While many common terms have entered the English language as acronyms (words formed from the initial letters or syllables of a phrase, such as radar, which came from the term Ra dio D etection a nd R anging), only rarely did that phenomenon occur prior to the mid-twentieth century. it stands for 'secretly we are gay'and most frequently used as code on posters announcing gay orgies. The term swag was invented in the early 1960's by a group of gay men in Hollywood. Claim: The word swag began in the 1960s as an acronym for 'Secretly we are gay.' image: image: FALS E image: Examples: 'SWAG' is an old acronym that gay men used in the 60's that stood for 'Secretly We Are Gay', and Swag was used as a label to identify and announce one's status publicly.

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